Hillsborough Township Board of Education reinstates Courtesy bussing

Robert M. Fenster, Hillsborough High School, Receives 2023 Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Teacher of the Year Award from the Organization of American Historians
The award is given annually for contributions made by precollegiate teachers to improve history education within the field of American history. The Award was announced during the OAH’s 2023 Conference on American History.

Autism Awareness Month Fosters Community and Camaraderie at Hillsborough Middle School
Hillsborough residents Aimee Triano and Nicole Krause collaborate on an art installation at HMS in recognition of Autism Awareness Month and Neurodiversity Celebration Week.

Bob Fenster, Hillsborough High School Studies Teacher, Attends the 26th Annual Lincoln Forum at Gettysburg
One of three teachers selected from across the nation by a committee of the organization, Mr. Fenster was awarded a full scholarship to attend the three-day even which featured major historians, writers, and lecturers, along with panel discussions, book signings, discussion groups, and other activities.

Hillsborough Education Association (HEA) Endorses Collaboration For Board of Education Elections
Following a screening conducted by a special committee composed of seven members, the HEA recommended the candidacy of Allison Laning-Beder for Hillsborough Board of Education to the HEA’s governing body.

Hillsborough Township BOE Appoints High School Principal and K-12 Math Supervisor
At the June 28, 2021 Board of Education meeting, the Hillsborough Township BOE unanimously appointed Mrs. Michele Fisher and Kyle Dattola. Michele Fisher was selected as the new principal of Hillsborough High School. Effective July 1, 2021, Mrs. Fisher will take the helm of HHS to lead the nearly 270 staff members and more than 2,300 students. Additionally, Kyle Dattola was appointed as the K-12 Math Supervisor effective August 16, 2021.

Kaitlyn Williams Invited To Play In USA Field Hockey Nexus Championship
Kaitlyn, a Hillsborough High School Freshman, is part of an elite group of 288 players from the U-16 division who have been selected Nationally and will work with USA Field Hockey’s Coaching Staff and compete in a five-game tournament.

Hillsborough’s Music Education Program Receives National Recognition
Hillsborough Township Public Schools has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. The Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students.

Hillsborough Education Associate Pride Committee Announces Winners of the Postcards For Kids Contest
Three winners were selected, one from each school, and their artwork was transformed in 1,500 postcards that will be made available to elementary staff to send an uplifting message to a student or celebrate their successes during such a challenging time. The winners are T Akshaya Suresh-Kumar (ARIS), Jeremy Csobor-Bray (HMS), and Jessica Hermann (HHS). Thank you to all the talented students from ARIS, HMS and HHS who participated in this uplifting community project.

Hillsborough School Releases Re-Opening Schedule For Pre-K to Grade 12 Students
The re-opening plan provides students with the option of 4 days per week, in-person school starting as early as March 22nd for elementary schools. ARIS, HMS and HHS will follow tentatively in April.

Tips to Survive the College Application Process
The talk of college and the future outside of high school can be stressful for many. Let’s talk about the college application process so that stepping out of your high school bubble and exploring colleges won’t seem as scary.

Hillsborough Schools Kindergarten Registration For 2021-2022 School Year Starts on March 1, 2021
All children who reside in Hillsborough and were born on or before October 1, 2016, are eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year. Information for Hillsborough’s Children At Play (CAP) Program will be available for interested parents during pre-registration.
ARIS Students Run a Successful Soup-er Bowl Campaign
For the 7th Annual Soup-er Bowl Collection, students from Auten Road Intermediate School’s Teams 5G and 5H collected 491 food items for the Hillsborough Food Pantry. Thank you to all the 5G and 5H teachers, students and families for making this a successful fundraiser.

Haas, Soisson and Harris Say Goodbye to School Board
At the December 14, 2020 Hillsborough Board of Education meeting, the last of 2020, the three school board members who lost re-election had their final meeting before their terms expired. Judith Haas, Dr. Ann Harris, and Dr. Lorraine Soisson’s combined service on the school board totals over 25 years.

Postcards For Kids - HEA's BORO Pride Student Art Contest
Hillsborough Education Association’s newest project called Postcards for Kids invites Hillsborough students in grades 5-12 to create a postcard design based on the theme “We are All in This Together”. Three winners will be selected, one from each school (ARIS, HMS & HHS), and the winning designs will be made into postcards. Each winner will also receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Why You Should Study Abroad In College
Studying abroad is a big decision; deciding to spend anywhere from a few weeks to a few months away from your home and everyone you know can be scary. Still, if you’re on the fence about studying abroad, you should know that studying abroad is truly a unique experience that will give you so much more valuable knowledge than any class could.

Hillsborough Schools Go All Virtual Through December 4th
During this time of virtual instruction, the school buildings will be open, however certificated staff may work from home if they choose to do so. Community entry into schools will be limited; community members must call ahead to make appointments to gain entry to schools. Moreover, all athletics and in-person extracurricular activities are suspended as of Monday, November 23.

Hillsborough Education Foundation 2020 Senior Scholarship Award
Emily Orr, Hillsborough High School Class of 2020 and now a freshman at Villanova , won HEF’s 2020 Senior Scholarship award.

Two Individuals at Hillsborough Middle School Test Positive For COVID-19
Per latest information released by Hillsborough Township Public Schools, two individuals at Hillsborough Middle School (including at student on the HMS’ Girls Soccer Team) have tested positive for COVID-19.

Update On Hillsborough High School and Middle School Sports Following Positive Covid-19 Results
Upon completion of additional contact tracing by the HTPS nursing department and the DOH it has been determined that currently there is no risk of COVID-19 exposure and Fall Sports programs at High School and Hillsborough Middle School may resume as planned.