HEA Advocates Virtual Start to The School Year
HEA is urging the Board of Education and Hillsborough Community to consider all virtual instruction for Hillsborough students until in-person instruction is deemed safe for students and teachers alike. Where do you stand on this?

“Impractical or Impossible” - Somerset County Union Leaders Call for a Reopening of School Buildings Only When It’s Safe
The Somerset County Education Association (SCEA) have drafted a letter to Governor Phil Murphy and Acting Commissioner of Education, Kevin Dehmer calling for New Jersey schools to remain virtual until science and trends show it is safe to return.

Somerset County Education Association School Reopening Demonstration
The SCEA will be staging at demonstration against rushed reopening of the NJ school buildings on Thursday, July 30th at 3:00 pm at the intersection of Main Street and Division Street in Somerville. Concerned members of the community are encouraged to join.

Hillsborough Education Foundation (HEF) Book Drive 2020
This is an opportunity to share your beloved books with the next generation of readers. Hillsborough Township Public Schools teachers will be invited to select donated books for use in their classrooms grades Pre-K to 12.

Hillsborough Education Foundation (HEF) Logo Design Contest
HEF is calling all students, teachers, parents and community members to help the Foundation in designing a new logo that captures their mission.