Hillsborough Township Coach USA New York Commuter Bus Survey
PRESS RELEASE / Hillsborough Township
Hillsborough Township is pleased to announce the opportunity for residents to take part in a survey from Coach USA, collecting opinions on the need for public transportation to and from New York City. Residents are encouraged to specify their commuting needs to and from the city during a typical work week and to express their interest in weekend trips. Coach USA will analyze the results of the survey to determine the demand for weekday and weekend bus service to New York.
“We look forward to hearing from the residents of Hillsborough to see what transportation needs exist in the community and to better assess whether Suburban/Coach USA can meet those needs with our existing operations”, stated Al Freda, General Manager of Suburban/Coach USA said.
The Township prides itself on being a sustainable town, understands the importance of ensuring such resources are available to its community, and encourages residents to support this effort by encouraging residents to use environmentally friendly methods of transportation when possible.
Survey responses are anonymous.