How Genes Affect Your Personality
In biology classes in high school or articles about the makeup of the human genome, we learn about the many wonders of the human DNA. We learn how we inherit our looks and other physical and medical characteristics from our parents and genes are passed down from generation to generation. However, we do not always focus on how these particular genes impact our personality.
There has been evidence that genes impact our personality for many years now. For example, when breeders first began to breed dogs from wolves they had to choose wolves with select traits. Not only did they have to focus on the physical traits of which wolves were smaller, they also had to focus on the ones that were kinder or less aggressive. As the selective breeding for these traits progressed, the genes with those characteristics began to be highlighted and the friendly and loyal dogs we have today were formed.
Just like for dogs, there is also evidence that genes affect the personality of humans. Of course, since we cannot selectively breed humans to observe this, we must use other techniques such as behavior genetics by studying how genes are passed down through families. There have been studies of identical twins that have produced results that show that their genes determined some of their personality traits. Since identical twins have identical genes, they can easily be studied. In a study where two identical twins happened to be separated and raised in different environmental settings, the twins still grew up to have similar personalities, demonstrating that their similar personalities are due to their identical DNA. Other family studies have observed the personalities of adoptive children. The results of these studies show that the personalities of adopted children were more similar to their biological parents than their adoptive parents. This highlights that the DNA they inherited from their parents had caused the similarity between their personalities and those of their biological parents.
This information does not mean that parents have no influence on their children. Parents can always still encourage and provide a nurturing environment for their kids. Parents can definitely still teach their children the proper values and morals they should have as they grow up. It does signal, however, that parents cannot always determine their children’s life for them. For example, they cannot suddenly decide that their children will be a genius inventor or a brilliant public leader. Your child is who they are and they may not be able to become a world renowned person, but they can always become the best version of themselves with parent support.
Similarities in DNA cause people who are related to have similar personalities. Furthermore, it also causes similarities in traits among species. You may have heard the astonishing fact that 99.9% of all human DNA is the same. This similarity causes humans to naturally have some of the same traits. These traits that different species naturally have are known as instincts. Some of these instincts include a human’s ability to learn how to speak and walk.
It is interesting to learn about how our genes have an affect on our personality, however, it is also very important to note that this does not mean that our personalities are set in stone. This is because there are no single genes that are in charge of each personality trait that we have. It is the collective effect of multiple traits that emphasizes certain characteristics in our personalities more than others. Moreover, there is also the famous debate of nature versus nurture. Though the studies discussed above have shown how nature can have more of an impact than nurture for some traits, that does not mean that nurture has no effect on our personalities at all. If you have a personality trait that may be problematic, do not fear because you can always change yourself with effort and help from those around you as humans are influenced by their environment.
Overall, the combination of the basic personality we are given from our genes and the decisions we make in life to become better people are what determine our true personalities. As we discover more information about the human behavior and personality we learn that there is flexibility in what a person can become, however, we should also accept that we cannot force others to become something they are not.
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