Hillsborough High School Battle of the Bands 2019
Last weekend, Hillsborough High School hosted two events that captured the essence of performing arts in the community. On Friday, February 1st, the HHS Debate Team organized the school’s annual Battle of the Bands. Five bands performed, four led by HHS students, and one comprising of HHS Faculty. There was a mix of original material, as well as classics by Blink 182, Nirvana, and Queen. This event would not have been possible without HHS History teacher, HHS Debate Team advisor, and lead vocalist of “Arthur Itis”, Mr. Fenster.
Although the name of the event suggests a competition, no winner was announced, and the theme of the night was instead centered on the celebration of the universal love of music.
The following evening brought on another celebration of the performing arts. HHS’ Winter Guard hosted its 19th Annual Winter Guard Festival, presented by the Hillsborough Band Parent Association. Schools from other districts competed against one another, receiving scores and placements in their respective divisions. While schools performed with different themes, Hillsborough closed out the night with “Writing on the Wall”, which touched based upon what defines us as humans.
Pictured above, Somerville HS Winter Guard placed first in their division at the competition.
The first place winners of the night were the guards of Winter Star, Westfield, Southern Regional High School, South Brunswick High School, and Somerville High School. The divisions they were representing included Independent Regional A, Scholastic AA and A, as well as Scholastic Open and World.
Hillsborough High School Winter Guard performs "Writing on the Wall."
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